How to Add Google Analytics to Your Service Business Website
Jun 24, 2024

Learn how to add Google Analytics to your service business website using the Plummy Mobile App. Follow these steps to track your website traffic and user engagement effectively.

Step 1 Open the Plummy Mobile App

Launch the Plummy Mobile App on your mobile device to access your service business website.

Open the Plummy Mobile App Open the Plummy Mobile App
Step 2 Select the Website Information option in the App

Navigate to the "Website information" tab in the app to add your Google Analytics ID.

Select the Website Information option in the App Select the Website Information option in the App
Step 3 Enter Your Google Analytics ID

To add Google Analytics to your website, input your Google Analytics ID in the designated field. You can find your Google Analytics ID in your Google Analytics account settings.

Enter Your Google Analytics ID Enter Your Google Analytics ID
Enter Your Google Analytics ID Enter Your Google Analytics ID
Step 4 Preview Your Google Analytics Data

After adding your Google Analytics ID, you can preview your website to see how the changes appear to visitors and track your website traffic.

Preview Your Google Analytics Data Preview Your Google Analytics Data
Preview Your Google Analytics Data Preview Your Google Analytics Data
Preview Your Google Analytics Data Preview Your Google Analytics Data